Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feeling stressed!

"You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time". -Abraham Lincoln (I think)

I don't think I really knew the true meaning of this quote until I had kids, especially the twins.  I have never felt pulled in so many directions as I have these last four months.  It seems like at least one of my kids is unhappy almost all the time.  Maybe a bit of an exaggeration (but not by much).  First thing in the morning the babies need to eat, I sit down to feed them and Landan tells me he is hungry.  I get Landan breakfast and the babies need to be changed.  It seems like as soon as one thing gets done, something else is waiting around the corner.  I try my hardest to keep my cool but I have to admit, I don't always do so well.  I wish I had another me, someone to help change 15 diapers a day, someone to clean 10 bottles a day, someone to cook 3 meals a day (and make baby food, don't ask me why I am making my own baby food), and someone to wash a load of laundry a day.  That way all I have to do is help Landan with his "school book", play cars with Carson and hold these sweet babies and listen to them coo and laugh.  I hate that I don't have enough time in my day to get everything done, but I hope that my kids don't remember the dust on the tables, or the piles of laundry, and especially the times when I am tired and stretched and my patience is gone.  I know I want to forget those times too.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie - I have always loved how honest you are. I can guarantee the boys will not notice or remember the dust. They will remember their amazing mom that cares more about them than how the house might look at any given time. Can't wait to see you!
