Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a little bit of everything...

So it's been a little while!  Things have been a little busy lately.  I think because the boys have been sleeping longer at night I have had more energy during the day to do more (yes, thats right, my babies are sleeping through the night, whoo hoo)!  Yesterday we went and looked at a house for rent and then went to Chic-fil-a afterwards.  Three months ago I would have cried at the mention of doing either one of these things and I did them both in one morning.  Today we are going out again!  I think I might be slightly crazy for doing this but I feel better when we leave and Landan was in such a better mood while being out.  Somehow I need to do this for all of us.  It really helps us all to have a better mindset.  I think we are going to try to rent the place I went to yesterday.  It is really small, it has small rooms, small closets and really small bathrooms.  I think four years ago I would have laughed at the idea of living in this house.  A lot has changed since then.  It has a small yard, basement and is less than a mile from a big Chic-fil-a with a play area.  All three of these things are crucial for parents of small children.  I am looking forward to living in a small townhome with outdated appliances and small rooms so my kids can have a play room, a yard to play in and a family friendly place to eat AND play.  Its a wild ride and we are thrilled to be on it!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know the feeling. When I moved from a five bedroom house to a two bedroom townhouse with a small fenced in yard, I felt relieved just so the boys could have the freedom and safety they need.
